Non Toxic, Bio-degradable and Environmentally Friendly Solutions:
Tramos Economic
This product is a highly concentrated cleaning agent with a number of combined features which makes it extremely versatile and efficient. It is Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable, Does not contain Phosphates, acids or Silicons. 100% safe to use on all kinda of metal surfaces, plastics,..etc. >96% Biodegradable, faster and more intensive action. Fresh smell, slightly antistatic. economic can be diluted by water or even sea water.
Tramos Econal
This product is a concentrated powerful Industrial cleaner, and it contains an Organic Rust Inhabitor. Econal can be use for all possible cleaning and degreasing operations (mechanical parts, engines, moulds, filters, nicotine deposits ...etc) It can also be ued in combination with immersion systems for the cleaning of mechincal and engine parts. In combination with heated water, the product's activity will increase
Tramos Heavy Duty Cleaner (HDC)
This product is a speciality cleaning product designed to remove asphalt, carbon deposits, crude oil, resins and many other types of Oils and greases.HDC is a mixture of vergetable solvents, emulsifiers and water softening agents, HDC is enivronmetally friendly, biodegradable and has a Citrus fruit smell. Safe to use on Steel, Aluminium, RVS, Copper and many other materials.
Tramos Indus (Industrial Cleaner)
This product has the same properties as Economic, but also contains also an Organic Rust Inhabitor protectingsurfaces from oxidation. It is Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable, Does not contain Phosphates, acids or Silicons. 100% safe to use on all kinda of metal surfaces, plastics,..etc. >96% Biodegradable, faster and more intensive action. Fresh smell, slightly antistatic. economic can be diluted by water or even sea water.
Tramos Bio-DeRuster
This is an amazing Rust eliminator. Water based product that has been proven to remove even deep rust on all types of mild steel and iron. It is safe on all surfaces and will not harm copper, brass, aluminium, plastic, rubber or vinyl. Bio-Deruster is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable and also biodegrabable.This product contains No-acids, No-Alkaline and No Petroluem Solvents. Bio-Deruster will not affect unrested steel or iron.